Contact Us
Our SKA Tech team looks forward to hearing from you! As protecting your personal data is very important for us, we process data exclusively in accordance with legal regulations (GDPR and TKG 2003). In our privacy policy, we inform you about all aspects of data processing with regards to our website.

Contact Information
SKA Tech Electronics GmbH
Hirschstettner Straße 19-21/Block J
1220 Vienna | AUSTRIA
(Customer parking available directly at the entrance)
Tel: +43 1 5863658-0
Fax: +43 1 5863658-32
Privacy & Newsletter:
Concept, Web Design & Web Development:
Opening Hours
Mon–Thu: 8am–4pm
Fri: 8am–12.30pm
Contact Us
Location & Routenplaner
Ihre Ansprechpartner bei SKA Tech Electronics
Our team is multicultural, fluent in many languages and shares a common goal: to collaborate with our suppliers in delivering the most suitable products for your application, ensuring technical and economic performance as well as sustainability.

Petr Janda
Czech Market: Regional Sales Specialist

Legal Notice
Disclosure in accordance with § 14 UGB, § 25 Abs 5 MedienG, § 5 ECG:
- SKA Tech Electronics GmbH
- 1220 Wien, Hirschstettner Straße 19-21/Stiege J
- Company Registration Number: FN 124885 f
- GLN (Public Administration): 9110029023780
- Jurisdiction: Vienna
- Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Act): Municipal District Office of the XXII District
- GISA-Number: 32869446
- VAT-Number: ATU 14712701
- ARA-Licence Number: 4619